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5 smart strategies for balancing collaboration and decision-making


Before you can bring the right mix of collaboration and decision-making to your workplace, analyze how much and what types of collaboration are appropriate. In the case of group projects, it helps to define roles, responsibilities and the decision-making hierarchy up front. Tailor collaboration to your corporate culture.

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The Rise of Occupancy Metrics in Corporate Decision-Making

Office Space

In this blog, we’ll discuss how occupancy metrics are changing how business owners and CEOs make decisions, why data-driven information is king, how occupancy metrics can be used in decision-making, and what the future holds for space planning in the corporate setting.

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Tips and tricks for identifying and avoiding groupthink


Groupthink is what happens when the desire to have harmony and consensus discourages healthy dissent during the decision-making process. Too much conformity clouds the decision-making process and offers only a one-sided perspective to issues that require complex consideration. The loudest, not the best, decisions win.

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How to form (and break) habits in the workplace


The prefrontal cortex is the part of our brain that’s responsible for decision making. As a behavior becomes more automatic and unconscious, the decision-making part of our brain goes into sleep mode and the pattern-recognition part dominates. Affirm, provide constructive feedback and reward.

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Why self-assessment is a critical exercise for business leaders


This is because it’s so important for team members to receive constructive feedback from objective third parties. The higher up the organizational ladder that business leaders climb, there are fewer opportunities to obtain constructive feedback. We simply do not see ourselves the way other people do.

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12 Greco-Roman leadership quotes that can improve your HR


Surely, the history of each philosopher mentioned below is peppered with instances of poor decision-making and inadequate leadership. He is credited with initiating the construction of the Acropolis in Athens. Related blog: 8 social awareness tactics that will make you a better leader. On training and development.

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HR as the key to unlocking business success


Fully integrated into each aspect of business operations and decision making, rather than being viewed as its own separate department. Do you have a carefully constructed recruiting strategy? All-encompassing. Given a seat at the leadership table and the buy-in of executive leadership.