June, 2024

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Summer hiring guide: The legalities of employing teens & family

BMT Office Administration

Hiring Teens for the Summer Summer is a popular time for businesses to hire teenagers for seasonal work. As many of these young workers may be taking on their first job, employers must remember some important payroll considerations. First-Job Jitters It’s natural for employers and young employees to experience some jitters regarding payroll. A clear understanding of the basics can help alleviate those concerns.

Legal 244
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Why Office Design Matters: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Office Space

In today’s rapidly changing work environment, the physical space where employees spend their time can significantly influence their daily productivity, overall job satisfaction, and company loyalty. As businesses compete more than ever to attract and retain top talent, the design of an office goes beyond aesthetics—it reflects a company’s values and its commitment to its workforce.


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Innovate for the Customer: The Key to Competitive, Lasting Differentiation


Learn why AI solutions should address customer pain points, drive user experience, and provide benefits to build trust. The post Innovate for the Customer: The Key to Competitive, Lasting Differentiation appeared first on Spiceworks Inc.

Learning 208
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The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value


As generative AI adoption accelerates, survey respondents report measurable benefits and increased mitigation of the risk of inaccuracy. A small group of high performers lead the way.

Reporting 145
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“Confidential” 988 Conversation Records Shared with Corporations

Mad in America

Editor’s Note: This story is the second in a two-part series on 988. This piece addresses issues around privacy and the sharing of the contents of conversations for AI development. The first part addresses the increase in unwanted or coercive police and EMS interventions after 988’s implementation, and can be found here: Dramatic Rise in Police Interventions on 988 Callers.

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There’s a Better Way to Ask for Mentorship and Free Career Advice. Here’s How It Benefits Both Parties


“Can I buy you a coffee and pick your brain?” It’s the phrase that strikes existential dread in the inboxes of accomplished professionals from a variety of industries. Those following in leaders’ footsteps, or trying to figure out how to ask for mentorship, have long asked for free career advice and tips on leveling up. But not all ask the right way, and the approach often impacts the answer they receive.

Mentoring 123

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History’s 5 Best Leaders + More Great Leaders from Business

John Mattone

Although history often rewards authoritarian leadership, the leaders we tend to respect and consider inspirational to this day fit the mold of i ntelligent leadership in many ways. Famous world leaders such as Nelson Mandela, MLK, Mahatma Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln cared about their people and knew how to talk to and inspire followers. Throughout history, great leaders emerged organically or otherwise, leaving their marks in the annals of time through a combination of leadership skills and

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Polyfill Supply Chain Attack Affects More Than 110,000 Websites


Polyfill.io, a domain used by more than 110,000 websites to deliver javascript code, has been used for a supply chain attack, potentially leading to data theft and clickjacking attacks. Learn more about the threat and its effects on web users. The post Polyfill Supply Chain Attack Affects More Than 110,000 Websites appeared first on Spiceworks Inc.

Supplies 205
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From ripples to waves: The transformational power of tokenizing assets


Tokenized financial assets are moving from pilot to at-scale deployment. Adoption is not yet widespread, but financial institutions with blockchain capabilities in place will have a strategic advantage.

Banking 137
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Youth Antipsychotic Use Linked to Increased Risk of Death within Five Years

Mad in America

In a new study of over 2 million youth on Medicaid , antipsychotic treatment was associated with an increased risk of death, particularly at higher doses for older youth. According to the researchers, in youth, “antipsychotic” drugs are more commonly given for diagnoses like ADHD and depression than for psychosis, despite a lack of FDA approval for these indications, the known harmful effects of the drugs, and the existence of alternative treatments: “The most common diagnoses associated with an

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What Does the Next Generation Leader Look Like?


Next generation leaders are set to shake up the workplace as we know it. Gen Z are more educated , with early benchmarks showing that post-millennials are enrolling in college at a significantly higher rate than millennials did at the same age. They will also comprise 27% of the workforce by 2025, and that number will continue to climb as its members graduate and settle into their careers.

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The rise of “supercommuters”

Workplace Insight

New research from Trainline claims the number of UK “supercommuters” using rail to travel longer distances to work has doubled since Covid. Almost half (47 percent) of current supercommuters surveyed made the lifestyle change either during or post-pandemic, and over four in five (84 percent) of these new supercommuters say hybrid working has enabled this switch in their commuting habits.

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How To Ensure LGBTQ+ Employees Can Be Themselves at Work

Great Place to Work

High-trust workplaces can be successful in creating safe spaces for employees to show up as their full selves. Here are three experiences that can make a difference. It is hard for marginalized workers like LGBTQ+ employees to feel seen and heard at work — even at great workplaces. Great Place To Work® research found that LGBTQ+ workers were less likely to say they feel psychologically safe in the workplace by seven percentage points.

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Wells Fargo Fires Over a Dozen Employees for Simulating Keyboard Activity


Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in the U.S., fired over a dozen employees after investigating claims that they simulated keyboard activity and gave an impression of active work. Learn more about it here. The post Wells Fargo Fires Over a Dozen Employees for Simulating Keyboard Activity appeared first on Spiceworks Inc.

Banking 205
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Tech services and generative AI: Plotting the necessary reinvention


The rapid emergence of generative AI has the potential to disrupt a dynamic the sector has relied on for decades, but it also offers an opportunity to tap a lucrative new market.

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Dramatic Rise in Police Interventions on 988 Callers

Mad in America

Editor’s Note: This story is the first part of a two-part series on 988. This piece addresses the increase in unwanted or coercive police interventions after 988’s implementation. The second part, next weekend, will address issues around privacy and the sharing of the contents of conversations for AI development. T wo years and a billion dollars in, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline continues evolving rapidly.

Reporting 142
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The Trailblazer’s Toolkit: 7 Best Tech Tool for Innovators


Hey there, innovator! We see you out there setting the stage. But while you’re busy changing the world, it can be hard to stay on top of technology to keep your business and personal life on track. We’ve got your back with this toolkit of technology solutions for trailblazers. 1. Soaak Use : Mental health Cost : $29.99/month (app membership) Soaak describes itself as a provider of “transformational health technologies.

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Younger people put far less emphasis on flexible working than older colleagues

Workplace Insight

Demand for flexible working options surged during the pandemic but has since become less important to people, according to ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2024: A Global Workforce View [registration]. Overall, the survey of nearly 35,000 people in 18 countries suggests flexible working hours are important to 25 percent of workers, while 15 percent value flexible locations.

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Employers believe this is the age you’re too old to hire. This is why they’re wrong

Work Life

Years ago, when my firm was just getting established, I was pitching for a new creative contract. I brought along an older male consultant who had wrinkles, a pot belly, thinning hair, and a 30-year-old portfolio of corporate speech writing. I wanted him to accompany me because I was attempting to fend off ageism as an insecure, self-conscious, entrepreneur scared to go alone into a dark wood-paneled boardroom, feeling that my experience was not commensurate with my talent.

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The Big Changes in Store for Telecom in the Year Ahead


Discover how cloud-based UC, 5G, and AI will shape the telecom industry. The post The Big Changes in Store for Telecom in the Year Ahead appeared first on Spiceworks Inc.

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Navigating the generative AI disruption in software


The technology could accelerate growth, but presents new challenges, including shifts in value pools, user segments, and competitive dynamics that could spur a realignment of product categories.

Software 134
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Doctors Are Not Trained to Think Critically

Mad in America

D octors are not trained to think critically. I went to medical school in 1977. I was still only 17 years old but it was a great relief after the horrendous years I had spent at an all-girls boarding school. My fellow students and I started our first year ‘pre-clinical’ training with 4 ½ days a week of lectures. We were expected to assimilate a massive amount of information and then to regurgitate it during the end of the year exams.

Training 141
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Get Loud: Creating Space for Open Dialogue Can Ready Your Team for Innovation and Positive Change


As the rate of change continues to accelerate, one key attribute makes organizations more change-ready: a culture of being loud. Organizations that combine strong views with rigorous debate across all levels can change faster and more effectively than those that embody a “culture of nice.” “Nice” cultures value politeness and camaraderie in the hope that “getting along” will drive things forward.

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Right now, GenAI mostly produces cheap grey goo for a perpetual present

Workplace Insight

I keep hearing that Generative AI will unleash human creativity. Based on the contents of my inbox, I can tell you that is not yet the case. It is increasingly full of GenAI generated press releases and comment pieces that consist of a small amount of gibberish, a larger quantity of stuff that reads likes it’s been written by a non-native speaker, and an even larger amount of bland, clichéd C0nTeNt.

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How to manage team members who think they know more than they do

Work Life

Ellie, a tech CEO colleague, recently called a meeting with her management team to discuss disturbing behaviors starting to arise within the company. Newer employees were not respecting the expertise of more senior team members. This was not just unproductive, but also disruptive, causing friction between teams, breaking down decision-making, and slowing progress.

Sales 97
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Retail Cyberattacks: Avoiding an Unexpected Single Point Of Failure


Learn how retailers can fortify against cyber threats. The post Retail Cyberattacks: Avoiding an Unexpected Single Point Of Failure appeared first on Spiceworks Inc.

Retail 200
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Decarbonizing logistics: Charting the path ahead


Companies need to reduce their logistics emissions to meet decarbonization targets, but a new McKinsey survey finds that few companies have clear plans to do so. What is the best path forward?

Logistics 130
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“War Cry For Change”: Veterans Launch Campaign for Informed Consent and Safe Deprescribing at the VA

Mad in America

I n 2018, still in the throes of painful withdrawal from a psychiatric drug cocktail, U.S. Air Force veteran Derek Blumke began connecting the dots. His independent research into psychiatric drug harm and pharmaceutical industry corruption would eventually lead him to Mad in America, where he launched the Veterans’ & Military Families Initiative in 2019.

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Cultivating a Culture of Gratitude: The Transformative Power of Peer Recognition


In today’s modern workplace, the cultivation of a positive and engaging environment is paramount. The profound influence of gratitude can propel workplace engagement and success to new heights. I firmly believe that the power of peer recognition, a pivotal component of this approach, is instrumental in creating an overall culture of appreciation and mutual respect.

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Workplace AI usage is rocketing, but are people using it for the right things?

Workplace Insight

The latest Workforce Index from Slack claims there has been a significant rise in AI usage in UK workplaces. Since September 2023, there’s been a 66 percent increase, with an additional 18 percent jump since the beginning of 2024. This trend reflects growing enthusiasm among employees about the technology, with 44 percent of office workers saying they are ‘enthusiastic ‘about using workplace AI in their daily tasks.

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6 secrets of people who crush impossible-seeming goals

Work Life

Some people set goals. And other people seem to accomplish the impossible. After all, plenty of people want to build a successful company, or produce Broadway shows, or make a living from their art. But without connections, experience, and good luck, these accomplishments may seem out of reach. Or maybe not. While it’s true that access, insight, and luck can make the path to success easier, there are other traits of people who accomplish big goals that help, too, says Jeff Wetzler, author of Ask

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Tile Hit by Massive Data Breach, Customer Data Compromised


Tile, the mobile tracker company, has been hit by a cyberattack compromising customer data, including personally sensitive information. Learn more about the incident and the potential impact on Tile’s users. The post Tile Hit by Massive Data Breach, Customer Data Compromised appeared first on Spiceworks Inc.

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When failure is an option: Fostering organizational innovation and learning


To achieve sustainable innovation, companies can embrace failure as a catalyst for driving change. Capability centers can enhance performance and promote learning in high-stakes operations.

Learning 132
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The TikTokification of Mental Health on Campus

Mad in America

W ith all the recent coverage of the youth mental health crisis and the role of social media, little attention has been given to the way platforms like TikTok promote certain narratives about mental health—shifting not only the conversation but also the way mental health issues are actually experienced. Young adults on college campuses and elsewhere are being persuaded to interpret their everyday lives through the lens of mental illness as algorithms target them repeatedly with ads and other con