What the real estate industry needs to know about experiential retail
McKinsey senior partner Colleen Baum explains how real estate owners benefit from helping experiential retailers flourish.
McKinsey senior partner Colleen Baum explains how real estate owners benefit from helping experiential retailers flourish.
Workplace Insight
AUGUST 22, 2024
Demand has surged for certain real estate sectors, such as warehouses, residential properties, and hotels, which have seen modest price improvements over the past year, according to Green Street’s European index. The growth in the UK market has instead been driven by the sale of apartment buildings, student housing, and hotels.
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DECEMBER 12, 2024
McKinsey partner James Patchett discusses the success factors that mixed-use developers are wise to keep top of mind.
Workplace Insight
OCTOBER 16, 2023
In terms of social value, the project has retained most of the original retailers, many of whom had traded for generations, with rents kept affordable. The market is now experiencing a sevenfold increase in footfall, with 90 percent of sales made to locals.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2023
In this way, a marketing SWOT offers a holistic view of internal and external circumstances that affect sales. Exclusive distribution channels: Your company has exclusive agreements with retailers or other venues such as licensing agreements with an online channel or cable television outlet.
JANUARY 18, 2024
Jackie McKellar, a marketing and sales director, emphasizes the transformative impact of the digital age on marketing strategies. A few sectors are real estate, financial advising, insurance, home repairs, brick-and-mortar retail and health care, where networking and referrals from friends and family make up the client base.
Launch Work Places
JULY 8, 2024
With the lack of interest in office buildings (from everyone), we are on the verge of seeing the next big step in our industry: fully-serviced coworking spaces being implemented into mixed-use real estate projects. Great mixed-used real estate developments are the same. Let me explain.
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